

Saline Nature Reserve is located near Tarquinia, inactive since 1997, it is the only salt-works in Lazio and one of the few remaining along the Italian coast.
Despite its small area, 150 hectares, it is a site of considerable importance with 100 hectares running along the coastal lagoon, where migrating birds rest, feed and reproduce.
The Saline reserve is recognized both as a site of Community importance (SCI) and as a special protection area (SPA), due to its environmental importance and the birds there.
The Reserve was established in 1980 and is managed by the Carabinieri Forestali Corps.

Archeological Nature Park of Vulci extends for 900 hectares up to the gates of Montalto di Castro, in the Province of Viterbo.
You can admire the archaeological excavations of the ancient Etruscan-Roman metropolis of Vulci, the noble Etruscan tombs and exhibits on display in the National Archaeological Museum, the canyon formed by the volcanic rock carved by the Fiora river, and the lush vegetation along the riverbanks.
These ancient sites are surrounded by unspoiled nature with its ever-changing colors, sounds and emotions.

Thermal baths of Vulci are of relatively recent construction and are located, like the park, just outside Montalto di Castro.
They are worth a visit as they provide 3 types of pool, each having a different temperature from the others, so the baths can be used throughout the year.
Sun umbrellas and sun-beds are available, as well as a kiosk. For more information follow the link below:

Cascate del Mulino di Saturnia (Cascades of the Saturnia Mill) are a natural formation originating from travertine rock, dug by the cascade of sulphurous thermal waters that generate small natural pools continuously filling and creating a very special scene.
The thermal water has a series of beneficial properties and flows from the source at a temperature of 37.5 ° C.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Oasis of Orbetello, thanks to its position along migratory routes, is full of thousands of birds, especially in winter.
The Oasis is located within a Site of Community Importance, in the Municipality of Orbetello (Gr).
The area of the Oasis, which also includes the Nature Reserve and covers 1,000 hectares.

Lake Burano was a hunting reserve until the WWF changed its destiny.
It is located within a Site of Community Importance (SIC IT51A0031) in the Municipality of Capalbio (Gr). It is also a Special Protection Zone (ZPS IT51A0033) and is registered under the RAMSAR wetlands protocol. The WWF Oasis of Lake Burano was the first of the more than 100 Oases of the WWF, and extends over 410 hectares.
It also includes an intact stretch of coastline with dunes covered with Mediterranean scrubland and a coastal lagoon surrounded by sand dunes and dominated by a tower.

Maremma Park extends from Talamone (Gr) to Principina a Mare (Gr). It is of interest for its landscape of marshes, among the few left in Italy.
It is possible to do both guided and solitary excursions, obviously following the rules in respecting and protecting the area.

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